monthly words

2024 A Look Ahead

As 2024 unfolds, we look forward to trips to the ever changing Pittsburgh Botanic Garden and the Succop Nature Park, which is part of the Audubon Society of Western PA. Programs this year will include topics like 'Gardening for all Seasons', a presentation I'll be offering based on my experience as a Penn State Master Gardener and Garden Designer. 

Serving the Community through Friendship & Flowers in 2023

Our members are excited to continue to garden with purpose in 2023! Southern Butler County Garden Club maintains three gardens as community service projects. Two of these gardens are open to the public as community gardens and located in Graham Park, Cranberry Township and at the Mars Public Library in Mars. The third garden is located at the VOICe (Victims Outreach and Intervention Center) in Butler County and is on private property. In each of these gardens, Club members volunteer their time to plant, mulch, weed and water throughout the growing season. 

SBCGC Wins the Governor's Trophy!

Southern Butler County Garden Club has won the Governor's Trophy! This is the highest award and honor to receive from the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania (GCFP). We competed with other medium size Clubs in Pennsylvania for 2021. This award is a true testament to our hard working members. From the Program Committee, to Hospitality, Membership, Fieldtrips and all of the countless hours of volunteer time for our Community Service Projects, our MEMBERS worked hard for this recognition.

Anticipating the Fall Season

The members of the Southern Butler County Garden Club would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to our 212 guests that attended our 13th Annual Garden Tour in July. Your attendance made the tour a wonderful success! We truly appreciate all of the community support. Check back on our website for information regarding the 2022 tour. 

Looking forward to a beautiful Summer

Now that life is slowly returning to some sort of normal for most of us, we hope you are having fun visiting local greenhouses and shopping for flowers and plants. Speaking of flowers...we'd like to invite you to our 13th Annual Garden Tour. Seven private gardens are on the tour this year. Each of the homeowners have created interesting landscape designs. Some of which include water features, a unique swing set and an unexpected "man cave" set into the woods...just to name a few.

The Hope of Spring

Spring will be extra special this year as we look for an end to the pandemic and a return to what we hope will be our "normal life". Last year was spent learning new ways to stay connected. Club members are so thankful for the advances in technology and the people who were able to help us master using it. What a blessing our gardens were as a place where we could enjoy the outdoors. Our gardens also offered us a place to renew our mindset and give our spirits a lift.