It's in the spirit of the Season of Giving, that I must share with you one of the service projects our Club has been part of. As members of the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania and National Garden Clubs, Inc. we are encouraged to participate in community service. We gladly take part in projects that better serve the communities in which we live and work. One project in particular has been close to our hearts for the past seven years...the beautification and addition of a serenity garden at a local Women's Shelter. About a year ago we expanded our "service" to include donating new and gently worn clothing and household items. We also decorate the entrance of the shelter with beautiful greenery and decorations during Christmas. In 2106 over half of our membership donated time and/or merchandise towards this wonderful cause. This represented a total of 168 hours in the gardens and $5,600 in value of merchandise! I am so PROUD of the ladies in our Club and know this is a project dear to their hearts. I leave you with this message from John Greenleaf Whittier..."For somehow, not only at Christmas but all the long year through, the Joy that you give to others is the Joy that comes back to you". My merriest of wishes to you & yours!
Karen Faust
President, Southern Butler County Garden Club