"Autumn is a second Spring when every leaf is a flower" -Albert Camus
Sometimes we get a bit sad as we start the process of putting our gardens to bed for the winter season. We need to look at this time as a well deserved rest for our plants and the soil after they have supplied us, the birds and other pollinators with beauty and nourishment.
It's also a time that we gardeners evaluate how our garden performed. We log what worked or did not do as well as we had expected. We decide if there is an area that needs a redo in the spring. Perhaps we need to add something that offers more fall color so that we can appreciate every leaf as a flower.
We hope you had a wonderful gardening season and are looking forward to this time of evaluation and planning for the future. Be sure to check out our programs and meeting times. We would love for you to join us at an upcoming meeting. Please note that we are currently securing speakers for 2020 and our schedule of programs will be posted on the site soon.
Alicia Garrison & Rita Mack
Co-Presidents, Southern Butler County Garden Club